Pain Management Opening In Lima, OH

Pain Management opportunity in Lima, Ohio
Located 75 miles from Dayton and 95 miles from Columbus

- 2-year income guarantee. After two years move to a pass through model where providers collect their professional fees less any direct fees such as billing processing fee, malpractice insurance etc
- Part-time
- No call, no nights, no weekends, and no holidays.
- Multi-disciplinary approach to pain
- As the medical group continues to grow, they are seeking highly motivated, team-oriented physicians to build their practices with us. The contracted physicians take a balanced, multimodal approach to pain management that focuses on providing safe, responsible, and high-quality patient care in the hospital partner communities. The pain management physicians create individualized care plans for patients that include interventional procedures, medication management, and other ancillary therapies all aiming to improve our patients lives.
- Under the group's model, physicians can focus on providing care and the group takes care of the business aspects. This means that the group covers staffing, startup costs, marketing support, billing, compliance, and other business and regulatory elements so that you can focus your time on patient care.
- Very competitive compensation package for the first two years while you build your practice.
- The group works with you to create a sustainable practice that you can then maintain as your private practice - which means you will take home 100% of professional collections (less only a small fee for billing services).